Radius Corners
Learn to create radius corner jigs and templates to create your own CNC cut cabinet faces and doors. Great for cubbies or anywhere you want a smooth opening or corner
keep it simple
I have created these techniques and have taught to many individuals as well as professional vehicle outfitting shops after previously using CNC machines and working with extensive tool collections. The main tools needed for this course are a track saw, jig saw, small router, a drill, and pneumatic rivet gun (with compressed air source)
This course will go into full detail of each tool’s needed bits and techniques.
Tools needed for these techniques
track saw, jigsaw, small router, riveter (pneumatic or hand operated) drill, wood chisel and a few drill bits and router bits is all that is needed. A small driver with 90 degree and offsets is very useful. A chop saw is needed if pre made brackets are not used but not necessary
Short on space? No problem
A 4’x7’ work table is all you need!
Take it big!
I have taught these same techniques to overland vehicle outfitters. Take these skills and start your own van building business.
Example Curriculum
- Meet the course creator (8:33)
- Entire tool description with bits and accessories (7:55)
- Explanation of hardware used (5:39)
- Making inside radius jigs (5:55)
- Using radius jigs to creat cubbyholes (10:24)
- Flush door openings (13:54)
- Flush Doors (7:45)
- Cutting latches (6:00)
- Serviceable appliance installation (10:29)
- Cabinet clamping and mock up (6:19)
- Introduction to hybrid construction and Brackets (6:02)
- Hybrid shelf (9:24)
- Installing hybrid shelves and wall construction (8:13)
- Cabinet end cap mounting (6:42)
- Hinge installation (4:36)
- Fixing track saw mistake (3:45)
- Bench top layout (7:52)
- Slider install to kitchen slide (5:02)
- Cabinet face layout with drawer (5:42)
Learn the skills to build your own vehicle interior for your personal needs. Need some One-on-one coaching through the design or build phase? Schedule a weekly phone or video meeting through the coaching program
Full video Course
This includes explanation of all the tools and procedures